Android Workshop For MCA Students Held At SMS Varanasi
Eight days (03.03.2014 to 10.03.2014) Advanced Android Mobile Platform Workshop held at SMS Varanasi. Workshop is organized for MCA IVth Semester students. Workshop started in presence of trainers Mr. Kuldeep Pandey (Senior Software Developer at Vaskoe Technologies Private Limited) & Mr. Ashish Kumar (Software Developer at Vaskoe Technologies Private Limited) from Waayoo.com an Educational division of Vaskoe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. spread in NCR, Lucknow, Dehradun, Chandigarh, Patna and Kolkata. Workshop comprised complete forty five hours interaction and exercises spread in eight days schedule.Workshop was planned to deal with various Android related issues like License Issues, Mobile Application Development Targeting Android, User interfaces, Intents and services, Storing and retrieving data, Networking and Web services, Graphics and Animation, Multimedia, Maps, Location Services, Final Project.
On the final day of workshop participating students were provided Training Certificate from Vaskoe Technologies Private Limited. For better understanding of the applications of above mentioned topics students are provided Android Mobile
phones for the duration of the course as a part of course kit. Workshop activities were coordinated by MCA Students. In android workshop few students of MCA- IV Sem (2012-15 Batch) have been selected for Internship in Waayoo.com for executing real time projects. This list includes Abhishek Tripathi, Ashutosh Srivastava, Deepak Kuamr Dixit (waiting List) & Rohit Kumar (waiting List). This group of students will be given an opportunity to attend training program of their preferred technology in waayoo.com with-out any fee payment.