Chartered Accountant-A Skill Based Entrepreneurial Avenue
SMS Varanasi organized one day workshop on Chartered Accountant-A Skill Based Entrepreneurial Avenue on Januray 29, 2019 for the B.com students. The key resource person for this workshop was CA Atul Seth Chairman, Institute of Chartered Accountant of India Varanasi.
This workshop begins with welcome address by Prof. R.K. Singh Professor, Dean (R&D) &Chairperson CEISD, SMS Varanasi. Thereafter brief detail about B.Com program was elucidated by Mr. Atish Kadse Coordinator B.Com program at SMS Varanasi. CA Atul Seth told students about importance of charted accountant as career option, he also said that this career option shouldnt been seen as mere a job but this should be seen as skill based entrepreneurial avenue, it is an option which not only give freedom to work by practicing as individual but also provide jobs to many other job seekers in the market.
The felicitation was done by Prof. R.K. Singh and vote of thanks was given by Mr. Kartikeya Singh Assistant Professor SMS Varanasi. This session was coordinated by Mr Saurabh Srivastava, Assistant Professor SMS Varanasi